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Special offer: $25 off Premium for the first year. At the end of the free trial (or immediately if you are no longer eligible for a free trial), $214 is charged automatically for the first year of your annual subscription. Auto-renews at the then current annual list price (current list price is $239). 

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Seeking Alpha does not take account of your objectives or your financial situation and does not offer any personalized investment advice. Seeking Alpha is not  a licensed securities dealer, broker or US investment adviser or investment bank. 

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For details of the methodology and assumptions used for our backtest performance:

Our cutting-edge Quant Ratings AI technology analyzes hundreds of metrics to pinpoint our top-rated stocks. And it works! Seeking Alpha’s ‘Strong Buy’ stock picks have outperformed the market every single year for the last decade, according to our backtest.

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Price increases to $299 on October 1st. Secure your rate today.

Price increases to $299 on October 1st. 
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